Donate to League of Fans

Please make a tax-deductible donation to League of Fans.
You may donate online. All donations are processed through PayPal’s secure servers.

You can also donate by sending a check to:
P.O. Box 19367
Washington, DC 20036

Please make your check payable to “CSRL” with a note that the donation is to be used for “League of Fans.”
Thank You

League of Fans is a sports reform project founded by Ralph Nader to fight for the higher principles of justice, fair play, equal opportunity and civil rights in sports; and to encourage safety and civic responsibility in sports industry and culture.

League of Fans is a project of the Center for Study of Responsive Law, a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization that supports and conducts a wide variety of research and educational projects to encourage the political, economic and social institutions of this country to be more aware of the needs of the citizen-consumer. The Center publishes a variety of reports on a number of public interest issues. The Center was founded by Ralph Nader in 1968.

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