Fans of live music and sports events are increasingly being abused by the ticketing industry, sports organizations, event promoters, and large-scale music acts.  See “Fans Call for Fair and Transparent Ticket Practices“, Yahoo! News.

A poll done by the Fan Freedom Project found that fans are becoming fed up with the growing amount of restrictions being placed on ticket purchases and transfers.  The poll revealed widespread confusion among music and sports fans around live-event ticketing practices, such as restrictive paperless ticketing.  Paperless ticketing is a growing practice that ties tickets directly to the buyer’s credit card and prohibits, or limits, reselling tickets or selling them as gifts.

“The sharply restrictive nature of paperless tickets is still vastly unknown to consumers,” says Jon Potter, president of the Fan Freedom Project.  “We are trying to educate fans on the realities of this ticketing scheme.”

The poll found that 89 percent of the 1,000 ticket users surveyed believe that once they have purchased a ticket, it becomes their personal property, and they should have complete control over what they do with it.


Ken Reed, Sports Policy Director, League of Fans



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